Üyelerimizin ISCARSAH-TR aktiviteleri ve önemli çalışmaları
Bu alanda, Ülkemizde MİMARİ MİRASIN YAPISAL ANALİZ VE RESTORASYONU alanında yapılmış-yapılmakta olan önemli projeler, makaleler vb listelenmektedir.

Hasankeyf - Zeynelbey Türbesi Analiz ve Taşıma Çalışması
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project.

Nemrut Commagene Anıtları Restorasyon Projesi
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project.

Aspendos Tiyatrosunun Dinamik Özellik ve Ses Etkileşimi
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project.

XXX Restorasyon Projesi
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project.

YYY Yapısal Analiz Çalışması
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project.